Who We Are

Founded in 1983 as Toronto Community-Videotex, InterAccess is a gallery, educational facility, production studio, festival, and registered charity dedicated to new media and emerging practices in art and technology.

InterAccess’s mission is to expand the cultural significance of art and technology by fostering and supporting the full cycle of art and artistic practice through education, production, and exhibition.

We envision an environment in which:
- Art that engages technology gains widespread cultural resonance;
- Critical discourse around technologies is catalyzed by artists, curators, and cultural workers;
- The full life cycle of art and artists is nurtured.

Annually we execute multiple exhibitions, a full curriculum of skill-building and critical theory workshops, and a broad range of discursive events that explore the impact of technology on the social, political and cultural aspects of contemporary life. Our studio space facilitates the circulation of skills and techniques required to produce the work we exhibit in our gallery space.

Board of Directors

Michael Awad (Co-Chair)
Layne Hinton (Co-Chair, Treasurer)
Adam Herst (Secretary)
Rob Cruickshank
David Han
Karie Liao
Miranda Shou
Sajdeep Soomal

Founding Directors

Nina Beveridge
Bill Perry
Paul Petro
Geoffrey Shea

Important Policies & Documents

Accessibility Policy
Equity Policy
Code of Conduct (Pilot) 
Community Guidelines (Pilot)
Knowledge Stewardship Protocols (Pilot)
Conflict Resolution & Transformative Justice Process (Pilot)


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